Write a haiku about something that drives you nuts.

14 Mar

DailyPost’s idea for today: Write a haiku about something that drives you nuts. So here’s mine:

Haikus are poems
With really specific rules.
They drive me insane.

I majored in English at university (if you missed that about me). During one of my poetry classes, we were required to write a sonnet. I wrote an entire 14-line poem, in iambic pentameter, with an ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme, about how much I hated writing sonnets.

My professor loved it.

One Response to “Write a haiku about something that drives you nuts.”

  1. Mnemosyne 15 March 2011 at 09:17 #

    I hated writing poetry. Written by the right person, it’s awesome, mine just always seem to look butchered.
    All in all, I’m just not going to stick to today’s topic HAHA

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