Tag Archives: food

Holiday Storytelling: Christmas Rum Cake

10 Dec

Okay, so not a story per se, but thank [insert deity of choice] for the Internet! My mother used to have this recipe on a sheet of paper that would float about the house, turning up at the oddest times. That said, we haven’t seen it in years, so I was thrilled to find this old family favorite on the web.

An odd choice to read, perhaps, but I just had to share. Enjoy!

Christmas Rum Cake

Or click here.

Caribou Doubles Donation for Breast Cancer!

25 Oct

I posted earlier about Caribou Coffee and Amy’s Blend coffee and tea.

This week only, Caribou are doubling their contribution to Susan G. Komen! Now 20% of your purchase price of Amy’s Blend coffee, tea, and other merchandise goes to Komen for the Cure.

I can’t speak for the coffee, but the tea (a spiced rooibos blend) really is delicious, so if there’s a Caribou anywhere near you, get in this week and shop for the cure!

MSG Report: Wanna getta pizza?

29 May

This came up at Valentine’s Day weekend, during my mini-break at a hotel near the Mall of America (my “here, have some couple time” V-Day gift to HF and HM). I was lazy and decided to have pizza delivered. Both the huge chains had stores nearby, so decisions, decisions. Their allergen charts eventually broke the stalemate. Continue reading

Win/Win: Support celiac research/Get gluten-free diet help

28 May

(July 5 Update: As noted here, Uncommon Knowledge ended up donating $200 to the Maryland Center for Celiac Research. Way to go!)

This post is coming a bit late, but I’ve only recently learned that May, in addition to being Mental Health Awareness Month, is also Gluten-Free Awareness Month.

On Tuesday, Uncommon Knowledge officially released their new Stick to Your Gluten-Free Diet hypnosis download, an MP3 session designed to help celiacs and anyone else who needs or wants to follow a gluten-free/reduced gluten diet. The program is structured to boost your instinctive drive to avoid foods with gluten and to help you feel naturally driven to eat healthier, while also improving your feelings around having to stick to this special diet.

In addition, Unk are doing something incredible with this program. Continue reading

MSG Report: Chili’s & Tony Roma’s

22 May

M… S… G. Ugh. Those three letters (together and in that order) strike fear in my stomach.

In fact, all the women in my family are allergic to MSG, AKA monosodium glutamate. No, wait. Sorry. According to the FDA, there’s no such thing as an allergy to this insidious ingredient, so I’m supposed to say I’m “intolerant”. Whatever. All I know is, my night is going to be very unpleasant if I consume it.

We MSG-intolerants don’t get the same amount of press as those who must avoid, say, peanuts or gluten¹; and to be fair, I don’t recall ever reading that our intolerance is potentially life-threatening (though I’ve had glutamated nights where I wished I’d just die already). Continue reading